Saturday, October 31, 2009


Busy.. busy.. busy.. no time to journal as they say currently. Tons of work and the halloween shopping season to boot. I am the kind of nervous grrll that doesn't just flaunt it day and night. But this halloween, example.. i had a long discussion of shoes and makeup with the charming young woman at the Payless and she helped me try on a bunch.. for my halloween costume. Well I bought three pairs. Everyday is halloween after all.
This halloween I go as Rose a drag queen of the 80's who i was good friends with for a bit in my life. I don't know where Miss Rose is today, though I suppose I could try to look up some of her old film projects, but i imagine that she is no longer with us, being out there wherever there is at a time when it was perhaps better to be in here. But we all have our time and our place, and we all end up shadows, and the more I think about it, I can't imagine that we could be anything more. So insubstantial arising in a moment, coming to know, ascending, filled with self and desires for what seems to have only been a summer, and then slowly slowly ceasing, and that is if we are lucky. But maybe that's just me. We are something more I imagine, it is just that we are something more than we. So time is short, and make-up to look like Rose well that is an effort involving heavy equipment, and ample time. So farewell and happy Halloween to all!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not Very Cherry

After all the things that were inserted in slot A, who knew that that penii could go there too. And if it is just "toys" and not "boys" does that mean something different? Has something been gained or lost by it. coaxing patient and feminine boy into doing it? It is a bucket list item? But the boy didn't consummate so I think there is still more to be learned.

Hark. I surrendered my not very cherry to a sweet sissy after a couple of mojito's that I fashioned, and a nice dinner that i cooked wearing a vintage apron no less! I mean you have to have the apron, the accessories! He came as a boy, so that was even more exciting for me at this stage, to dress up and make a nice little meal for the boy who was coming over to stay the night, and doing it in vintage apron! That makes me a fetishist i imagine, thinking back to the apron as well as the boy. but i don't care for boys as I may have said. That is my story and I am sticking with it. No worries though because the boy was kind enough to transform into a girl. This story continues I imagine.

I saw that Lee Brewster was acknowledged on the Gender Variance website. . That makes me very happy. More on the moi history. Should I in the interest of full disclosure give a listing of all the things that were inserted in slot A. Well I won't! and that is that! but I will say.. i mean well fruit of course. You have to know if you like that sort of thing, I never thought i did too much. One thing was is not to easy to do without letting your junk all hang out, and you know how this Lady feels about that if you have been reading, so for me.. anal stimulation has always been a sometime thing, at some point a duty.
But I need to think more. Even though I no longer well i don't care so much about orgasms and other such boyish nonsense, I do enjoy the snuggles and the huggles, and i love it when they help me achieve those imaginary orgasms. See previous post