"Don't you think it needs a woman's touch to make it come alive?"
Mick Jagger.. Live with Me.
I have lately been thinking about forced feminization fantasies. These fantasies have always been powerful erotic triggers for me. In particular before I really wore girls stuff while masturbating, I fantasized about being forced to wear girls stuff. Recently I have begun to think about the forced feminization fantasy as a dynamic that grows out of two forces. The first is Femmephilia, a love and desire for things femme, where femme means that which is traditionally associated with women, female interests. The second force is Femmephobia. This is a term I found recently on the internet. Here is a lucid description Femmephobia is the denigration of things feminine, and this is a cultural factor that is particularly though not exclusively directed at boys and men.
In the typical forced femme fantasy, a boy or a man is feminized by a woman This feminization is introduced in a context in which punishment occurs (petticoat punishment), or it is introduced in order to have power over the male. In either case, the experience is both humiliating and erotic for the male victim. The elements of femmephobia and femmephilia are intermixed in these stories. The male is often weak, or naive. In this way he doesn't have the power to resist his feminization, and in his heart frequently there is a question does he want to, because frequently these actions forced on him are his own secret femmephilic desires. In fact his desires are so femmephilic that they frequently involve the most uncomfortable or childish or slutty feminine attire. The sissy is secretly more femmephilic than the average woman, while sharing the femmephobia of other males, which is reflected in his feelings of humiliation, and his need to be "forced" to dress as a girl.
If we were prone to psychodynamic explanations of fantasies, then these fantasies are a begging to be analyzed. Does the powerful female represent one's own Id , while the weak and malleable victim represents the insufficiency of ego, which is trapped by the cathexis of a satin corset? Probably, but who can afford psychoanalysis. Instead I am left with my own two cents. However these fantasies arise, they take on a life of their own. In my case, I have had numerous interactions with real dominant women, and i know perfectly well that these interactions have not and will not in the future unfold like forced feminization fantasies.
"I want to be turned into a girl."
"Oh please don't turn me into a girl!"
The Domme is like... "duh.....later".
So rationally I know these fantasies don't really function in the real world. I have sort of outgrown them fully realizing that the only force which may be involved in my own feminization is that force you would need to take this pencil skirt from my cold dead hands.
Nonetheless.. give me a good forced femme story...and I am all a-flutter!
Go figure.
I agree with you 100% this is how I often feel and rationalize it.