Saturday, June 18, 2011

Girls Just Wanna II

The last post gave the broad outlines that a substantial 30+ % of guys, and 60+%+ of girls! decline to describe themselves as straight among the profiles on fetlife. Transgender profiles that describe themselves as straight are even rarer. Breaking the numbers down into the D/S orientation does provide a little more information. Here are the percentages of each D/S category that call themselves straight for males and females. See below. I need a different data collection method for transgender people, so I leave that for another posting.

Dominant Switch Submissive

The most heterosexual group of any is dominant males with 82% describing themselves that way. Those males who do not occupy the traditional male dom role, are less likely to describe their orientation as straight. Similarly the female group with the largest straight representation is the submissive females. Another way to put this is that DS switches or those who occupy the less traditional D/S roles, are also more likely to be heteroflexible, bisexual, or homosexual. And women in general are more likely to be "flexible in their sexual orientation.

I confess that I am less knowledgeable about bisexuality than I should be, so I am going to return to the topic after I digest some of what is on the internet. Turns out there is tons. Like this website

Another thing I promise to do is to stop making such horrible tables. That is a matter of learning a little HTML, which for this old dog is a new trick. Once I learn it though there are going to be lots and lots of pretty tables. in sans-serif or perhaps courier, and if the information is too scandalous, I will code it in dingbats so only adults can figure it out. At the least no giant spaces, and horrible unreadable colors.

Anyway next post is back to my personal broodings which are as ever world shaking and festering. Shall I pierce my ears? Shall I spend a small fortune on a corset and vibrator? or save the dough and retreat for some days to an ashram? I don't think I can do both, I think that they frown on the constant.. buzz.... oh! buzz .....oh! in the spartan accomodations of the ashram. But corsets! Well that's another story. I think that fall clearly under the category "austerities" , and a lot sexier than a needle through the cheek. (for some of us)

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