Sunday, June 22, 2014

An Unexpected Turn

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
Thats how the light gets in"


Leonard Cohen.

It turns out that there is a crack in me.   I need some brain repair.   And not the talking off the ledge kind.   It is a week since i had a focal seizure, a little like St Vitus dance, but just in my right arm.  It turns out that i have a disease,   A benign meningioma hovering over my left frontotemporal lobe.
And the consensus is that we will need to go in with the old trephin, whiskey, and cut it out.   Details are being worked out but it looks like early july for surgery.   Shouldn't be too bad my surgeon says but my last surgery was a tonsillectomy about 60 years ago, and i still remember that sore throat.   Anyway in another life i was a brain scientist and even trephined an animal or two.
What goes around comes around and this is going to be a lot more fascinating than electrophysiology as long as i can keep my wits about me.