Friday, February 27, 2015

I Just Got Ma'amed in Guy Mode

Is that you baby?  or just a brilliant disguise?"      Brilliant Disguise   Bruce Springsteen

I got Maam-ed today on my way into the supermarket while in guy mode.   For me, guy mode is jeans, sneakers, etc.  Nothing remarkable about it.  This happens periodically in the last few years, and is mostly I think due to jewelry, longish dyed hair, etc.  the subtle and unreliable cues.  I of course am always delighted by it, even as the speaker (particularly if I speak to them), becomes apologetic, if they perceive that they have made a  terrible mistake in the bi-gendered world we live in.    
I have made a study of this, and can reliably suggest a point system by which these occasions can be scored.

If the individual who Maam's you is an elderly man, (like today), then you only get 2 points.

If the individual is a middle aged man or a middle aged or older woman,  You get 3 points.

If the individual is a young man,  you get 4 points

If the individual who Ma'am/s you is a young woman,  you get 5 points.

If you are Ma'am-ed, while with a woman or group of women,  then you must deduct 1 point.
If you are Ma'am-ed, while only a partial view of your whole form is available, for example if you are addressed from outside of a car.   then you must deduct 1 point.

For example  a couple of weeks ago I was sitting at a bar with my daughter and her mother.  A woman who had been a little boisterous and who we didn't know,  greeted us upon leaving by saying "Goodnight Ladies"   That is 2 points.  

Another example.  It was some time ago, that a young woman called me a "cunt"  when she pulled up beside me, having perceived me to have made some terrible error in driving.  (You need to understand that I live in New Jersey, and so behavior like this is part of the social graces.)   This is 4 points.    I thought to give additional points for derisive comments, but this would give New Jersey residents an unfair advantage in  scoring.  Anyway,  if the person calling me this had been a man with a british accent, then no points would be awarded.  The form of address must clearly be one that is unambiguously gendered.

An obvious rule is that you must consider yourself to be in guy mode, and not in guy-ish mode.  I think those to whom this rule applies know what I mean.

The scoring system is based upon my own experience of how often I have been "miss-gendered" in the past few years.   I think it represents fair scoring, but your experience may vary.

Get with your friends and begin to play.   Let me know if you are scoring regularly, or have an unusual situation that you are unsure how to score.  

Prizes?  You wish.   The game is its own reward.

And remember...  Pink Lipstick disqualifies you from guy mode.  Unless, it is from last night, and you just forgot about it.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stuck in the Middle

“I could not become anything; neither good nor bad; neither a scoundrel nor an honest man; neither a hero nor an insect. And now I am eking out my days in my corner, taunting myself with the bitter and entirely useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot seriously become anything, that only a fool can become something.” 
― Fyodor DostoyevskyNotes from Underground

Can you be?  Stuck in the Middle that is.
I mean it used to be Boy or Girl.
You are what you are,
Lately it is more like Boy or Girl,
Pick one.

I began this blog many years ago concerned that Belinda, a shy girl in a dark closet needed a voice.  Now Belinda has more friends than Bill, and the two share this one skin.   So the way I live my life is to be Belinda with Belinda's friends, and Bill with Bill's friends and family.  But what does that mean?
Clearly I dress differently, and I am told I even speak differently, but that is not so conscious.  Bill can't un-dye Belinda's hair, and frankly he doesn't want to, because Bill is not your normal boy.  Belinda isn't your  normal girl either, but don't tell her, because she is sensitive enough as it is.
And so I am not transitioning, and I am not de-transitioning.   What probably doesn't work for society works for me.  Or at least sometimes I can convince myself it does.
 On the other hand, I understand that the game needs sides, and there is a clock that ticks.  I am not a 20 year old genderqueer, youth calling myself zhe, and gleefully declaring "Fuck the gender binary!"  No I am not that by a long shot.  In fact, I  love the gender binary, or to be specific, I love femininity, and that implies a love of masculinity, though a slight case of gender dysphoria, more a flu than consumption, prevents me from declaring so.
So what does one do, stuck in the middle.   Live openly and honestly, if you can, and remember to put away the white outfits after labor day.